Editorial Guidelines

*Last updated: 28/03/2024

Welcome to our Slide Living website, a platform dedicated to providing our readers and customers with high-quality, reliable, and engaging content in landscaping and outdoor living. To maintain the integrity and trustworthiness of our content, we adhere to strict editorial guidelines.

Below are the 3 key components that define our approach:

1. Expert Review and Fact-Checking

  • Greg Hair's (owner) Role: Every piece of content on slideliving.com.au is reviewed and fact-checked by landscaping expert, Greg Hair. With extensive knowledge and experience in landscaping, Greg ensures that all information is accurate, up-to-date, and practical.

2. Content Updates

  • Regular Reviews: Our content is periodically reviewed and updated to ensure that it remains current and reflective of the latest trends and information in landscaping.

3. Ethical Standards

  • Integrity: We hold our content to the highest ethical standards. This includes honesty, fairness, and respect for our readers.

If you have any questions on our editorial guidelines, please contact Greg Hair:

Phone: 0439 470 164

Email: slideliving@gmail.com